Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Centre College

Football this year has been rough.  To be completely honest, football this year has been the most depressing thing to happen in my sophomore year of college.  Sitting at a 3-5 season, Trinity football is on the brink of having its worst season in 19 years.  I feel ashamed to have contributed to this disaster, but in my pride I tell you that I have given it my all, and came up short.  But, I have to move on, and after losing to the undefeated DePauw by 1 point and Huntington by a whopping 20, the only thing I can do is keep on keeping on and prepare for this weeks matchup.
Centre college has been a very consistent team, and will be a difficult competitor.  Schoolwork has taken its toll, with a course long project for marketing and a second midterm in economics due tomorrow, I have a lot of work on my hands.  Unfortunately, its even harder for some of our other players.  Our current starting receiver won't be with us these next two weeks, so that he can try to manage his grades and pass for this semester.  Its hard to hear that a perfectly healthy athlete will be out the rest of the season due to GRADES... I can't imagine if that were myself.  Regardless of whose playing and whose not, our team needs to be resourceful and work together these last two weeks to fight off a losing season.  I will practice up to my ability, with enthusiasm, and pray that success comes with it.  In three days, I will be on an airplane once again, fully dressed coat and tie, with one thing on my mind: "Leave No Doubt".